Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site Site speed is one of the most important things about creating web content, and web applications. Here’s a list from easy to not-so-easy, of ways you can get things running faster on your website: Server Leverage browser caching Enable Keep-Alive Enable gzip compression Make landing page redirects cacheable […]
  Deadly Sins on Digital Marketing Getting started in Internet marketing has been made easier with today’s current technology. So, take a minute to make sure you’re not committing any of these deadly sins in Digital Marketing Not getting your Website built & updating them on time wise Not Tracking your Online Advertising Failing to […]
June 18, 2012
Last Saturday YouTube hosted a series of events for bloggers at our offices across the four cities. The entry to the event is free and is open to any blogger or original content creator. It was not much more desirable event for me as i was expecting much as a Digital Marketeer like Image Mapping, Filtering out […]
I am what? I always think what I can write about me. And land up no where. Any Question, Comment or suggestion, catch [email protected]

Digital & Online Marketing Consultant

Passionate Digital Marketing consultant connecting startups and SME to their target audiences.

Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional

Digital & Online Marketing Consultant
