How Startups can manage Brand Crisis during alarming situations?
What should you do if startups find themselves in the middle of a crisis? How should you react? When is the right time to respond?
Expressing with Emoji in Marketing Industry?
There’s a good reason why social media marketers use emojis. (Aside from the fact that we like emojis and it’s fun to use them.)
The Days Of Esports Branding &  What It Means For Brands
Time to Create your Esports Branding! For brands and fans, esports offers something that most traditional sports cannot—nearly unprecedented access to star players. If you are an Esport professional or an interested fan, we will learn more about how the gaming community produces content, culture, and creates effective brands.
Why Having Digital Brand Identity Guidelines is Important?
Digital Brand Identity Guidelines is also referred to as a style guide is an integral part of the marketing strategy.

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Passionate Digital Marketing consultant connecting startups and SME to their target audiences.

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Digital & Online Marketing Consultant
