The Days Of Esports Branding & What It Means For Brands

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The Days Of Esports Branding &  What It Means For Brands


If you are an Esport professional or an interested fan, we will learn more about how the gaming community produces content, culture, and creates effective brands.

Get your Esports brand recognized by creating your very own brand, from a gaming logo to Livestream plug-ins. Explore the topic of Esports branding with games and professional streamers.

Sailing the competitive world of the Esports ecosystem can be a challenging task. Besides, it is often the first hurdle when brands define what it means for themselves when considering space investment

It is nice and real that Esports is not taken seriously. The industry witnessed an increase of more than 30% YOY, even before the world reacted to COVID-19. Now, most of us spend more time at home; it only accelerates its success. This phenomenon has also been growing going by search on Envato for sports topics, such as PUBG, TWITCH, and more…

2019 is a major breakthrough for the global sports market. This is the first time the industry has projected to exceed a billion dollars in revenue, of over $897 million from advertising rights, sponsorships, and ads–82 % of the $1,1 bn markets.

Global Esports Viewers

As a growing segment of the gaming world, competitions created alongside conventional sports leagues and events broaden their global scope – offering brands an alternative to existing styles of sports.

There was no better time to take part in this segment, but then it is highly competitive and you have to spend time creating your own unique branding.

How is branding in Esports?

There are a lot of ways to build your Esports branding these days. visit Envato Market You can import Esports templates models right to your Desktop before customizing them.

Esports templates that you can download to your PC before you can customize them. Or, you can access as many models as you want for no extra cost if you have Envato Elements subscription.

You can learn more about Esport branding and ask Esports experts for their advice and tips.

Where to begin with your Esport Branding?

  • Persona – What’s your style of gaming? How would you present yourself online? Early reflection will help you to design an Esports brand that reflects you best.
  • Multiple Platforms – Your branding has to be on a variety of platforms such as your blog, website, social media, or even merchandise like any sport.
  • Don’t underestimate color! – Take the time to find the right color palette choice for you. most of the templates you will be looking for allow you to customize the color scheme as needed.

How to build an Esports site?

Build your Esports website first stop! This is where your fans can get all the latest news. This is where you can play.

Alchemists – You can build your own sports team or Esport news site on WordPress with everything you need. It’s packed with news stories, merchandise shops and players’ statistics which is available on Envato Market

Alchemists - Sports, eSports

PlayerX – High-energy WordPress prototype equipped with many internal pages, including matches, programs, FAQs, and contacts, even on the Envato market.

PlayerX - Esports Theme

Gamezone – It’s from Envato Elements is the ideal option when clean and simple is what you are after.

Gamezone Esports Theme

Choose your code and plugins – Now that your website is sorted, the next move is to select code and plugins to help you achieve abilities worldwide.

How to create a logo for Esports

Your logo is the next stop! The creation of a high-quality sports logo would allow you to be recognized. This Esports Logo Design Kit is another great choice if choosing is what you’re after. The Illustrator logos drawn by hand feature memorable characters and mascots.

Tips on developing Esports Videos – The nature of the videos you put out is another essential feature of your Esports brand. You can select eye-catching graphics with matching stats to attract viewers.

Choose your overlay for Twitch

Selecting your Twitch overlay, you can determine how graphics appear on your gameplay video.

Twitch overlay

Time to set up your Esports Branding!  – As you can see, several elements work together to create a cohesive Esports brand.


A variety of issues, ideas emerge as we speak to thousands of Esports sponsors, rights holders, and brands.

KNOW YOUR OBJECTIVES – Going into partnerships in Esports without knowing what the company wants to get from these will backfire. Each brand has specific goals and thus needs to be personalized to ensure they are fulfilled. Communicate to your partner these goals too.

BE READY TO MEASURE – Thinking beyond experiences and scope – they are the basis for assessment but not the only quality criterion. The use of metrics to assess the short and long-term effects on your brand takes time for sponsorships to understand their potential.

EMBRACE COLLABORATION – The greatest performance is true collaborations. Make sure the relationship begins as a strong fit between partners. Make sure your selection of a partner is an integral part of the requirements. There’s a lot of fantastic sport rights holders and a lot of brands – but not everyone is perfect.

Credit: Data NEWZOO

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